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签证到期/取消/拒绝/移民拘留 签证过期了吗? 如果您的签证已经过期或即将到期,我们会协助办理临时签证申请,以维护您的合法身份。 取消/拒绝签证 我们在AAT(上诉法庭)上诉取消和拒绝签证方面拥有丰富的经验。将您的决定记录发送给我们,免费评估您的案例前景。 我们对取消撤销请求也非常有经验。 移民拘留 我们协助某些客户采取法律措施解除移民拘留。 其他签证和移民协助 – 雇主赞助的签证 – 家庭签证 – 难民签证 有关更多信息,请联系Joy Chen女士,微信: fatcat522

Sponsored Jobs Australia

Sponsored jobs Australia can be accessed through affiliate site Sponsor-Connect. This website for sponsored jobs Australia is an online database featuring ONLY sponsoring employers. Employers can browse resumes for free. It is also free for employers to contact sponsored work seekers directly. Recruiters are also able to use the online services for free. Employers can[…]

ENS opportunities

Strata Managers in short supply in the Australian labor market – ENS opportunities

Strata managers are experiencing increasing demand in Sydney and Melbourne as a result of an unprecedented building boom. Strata experts internationally are now being sourced to meet the short term fall in supply of skilled workers in this industry. For further information read a recent post on our partner website: The strata industry has[…]